Thursday, April 11, 2024

Mala in Chengdu | China

Apa yang muncul di pikiran kamu ketika denger nama Chengdu? Panda? Mala? Yak semuanya benar sih gak ada salah satu soalnya emang semua itu yang jadi iconic Chengdu 成都, salah satu kota yang di develop paling awal di jaman-nya yang ada di provinsi Sichuan 四川, China ini. 

Yang terkenal di Chengdu emang panda & mala 麻辣 kalau kamu suka masakan mala, basically semua makanan disini mala, even daily meal mereka. 

First impression begitu keluar bandara : wow cakep yah vibesnya kayak luas, traditional culture, dan orangnya ramah, lalu logat四川nya lucu banget haha

My morning view haha

Beda sama Shenzhen, disini masih wajar aja kalau belanja - belanja pakai cash jadi hidup lebih aman. 

Transport juga disini ada MRT dan udah cukup mencakup ke banyak tempat. 

Kalau cuaca, duh ileh kata warlok sih disini cuman ada summer & winter ---- gak ada spring & autumn soalnya kalau panas, panas banget, kalo dingin dingin banget. Padahal pas ada beberapa hari cuaca dingin tapi matahari besar itu enak banget dan indah beneran deh kota Chengdu tuh. 

Apa aja yang bisa dikunjungi di Chengdu? Yang pasti harus makan 串串sejenis sate tapi dimasaknya di rebus, lalu 麻辣火鍋udah pasti wajib --- resto untuk hari hari makan. 

Semua pedas semua berminyak

Nah kalau tempat, bisa ke Chengdu Museum gratis entrance asal tunjukin paspor soalnya kalo warlok pakai wechat nah kalo foregin pakai paspor --- bagus deh ini aku suka banget karena besar, tertata, dan banyak cerita yang bisa diliat. 

Untuk belanja bisa ke 環球 -- mall yang gede banget yang dalamnya kalau summer ada waterboom indoor. 

Disini lumayan banyak shopping mall sih yang menjamur dimana - mana tapi basically aku jarang banget belanja kalo di China entah kek jarang nemu yang sreg gitu.

Tapi kalo short time banget disini aku rekomen 寬窄巷 ini kayak alley jadul yang ada jualan disc jadul, ada buat photoshoot ala2 china jadul, ada juga jajanan, tempat minum teh, banyak deh, so far aku suka tempat ini karena berasa Chengdu-nya dan vibes jalan di jalanan-nya itu enak banget juga banyak yang bisa di visit. 

Starbucks iconic ini juga ada di dalam 宽窄巷

Bukan pecinta kopi tapi ini vibes nya uwaw banget

Suka sekali vibes ini dan ini gampang dicapai pakai MRT tapi lupa stasiun-nya gugel aja pasti nemu

Oh iya kalo ke Chengdu cobain resto namanya 烤匠 ada menu ikan bakarnya enak beut aku suka pol dan ubi bakar kejunya uwaw uga. 

So far kusuka Chengdu sih dan keknya cukup menarik buat balik lagi karena dari sini pintu ke banyak kota lain di China kek Tibet yang udah di wishlist. Cuman makan-nya aja yang gak nahan agak mules ya itu kebas banget hehe. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

6 Hidden Unique Culinary in Jakarta Tangerang

Well this post dedicate to you who want to have a nearby hangout around Jakarta Tangerang in short time but not main stream. If you think about Jakarta maybe only mall & cafe, but for me as you know I dont like mall yet cafe, I like something unique or have history value, then I discover some places that I also havent hear before but I like it so let me share hehe 

1. Wong Fu Kee Hakka Authentic 

This is an authentic Hakka 客家 resto since 1925 that hide on a little hidden alley in Kota nearby Pancoran Glodok then they expand to PIK but for me I prefer go to the Kota one it's more unique experience to eat in the hidden traditional chindo house. 

Instagram @wongfukie and you can follow the gmap here  it's accurate. Please be noted it's on a hidden alley so driving car is not recommend, best way is by bike. 

What to order? Mun Kiaw Mian 燜餃麵 is the iconic one. If you come by yourself just order this and the chrysantemum tea 1 cold bottle is enough. If you come 2 person you can add like fried pork intestine or ayam garam also good one. 

Price wise is a bit pricey but compare with the authenticity I think it still ok, I already come back here because of the Mun Kiaw Mian --- as it name, its a noodle that bun with seafood and dumpling and its a comforting one. 

2. Dapur Babah Elite 

Nah this one I found it accidentally when I go to Ragusa ice cream the mainstream ice cream that I dont think its include on this post because its not hidden haha. 

Then I found out actually the owner of Dapur Babah Elite is also the owner of some hotel that have hobby to collect the historical things. So it feels like you dining inside a museum. A bit smell of old things but I still found out it's really a good experience both for local and foreigner. 

Instagram @dapurbabahelite and you can drive easily here there are parking lot just in front of it. Located near Monas, Istiqlal, and neighborhood with Ragusa. 

Price wise it's quite affordable with the portion, taste, and ambience. It's really - really recommend and I see many event held there also, they have the private room. 

Every pieces of theirs have the history and when we were there the staff all is so kind and tell us for the menu also for the history of their pieces like the painting, the table, and many things. Feels like you are in the museum.  

3. Kapitan Lim 

Located in Tanah Abang which very crowded I dont recommend you to drive by your own or take public transport as it also have distance from the nearby train station. So the best way is take online transportation haha. 

It's unique because the building was former monastery and then become captain house and now become a resto. It combine the oriental & pop style. 

A good place after morning walk I think, it serve quiet standard food like hainan chicken rice, fried kwetiaw ---- the standard chinese meal & drink but the price is reasonable and the decoration is good. Especially when you look out from the window to the crowded road you feel very peaceful haha. 

Instagram @kapitanlimjkt

Went there after a morning walking tour to Juanda, read : Noordwijk Juanda Walking Tour & Kapitan Lim | Jakarta, Indonesia

4. Liu Jia Mian Dian 

Well not sure it can be count as hidden culinary or not since when I came its a lot of people already q-ing but I just know this place recently and found it good so I recommend it. 

Located in PIK fresh market, it sell the traditional chinese breakfast like soy milk and lot of chinese bread & dumpling. So many China people come here, ya the taste is quiet authentic but its too crowded and messy for me. But if you wanna try worth to try or when you miss China authentic traditional breakfast haha. 

Price wise its quiet reasonable not cheap not expensive. 

I think the ig not active but here is the gmap 

5. Warung Tuman  

A bit move from Jakarta, in BSD we have this hidden gems. It really hidden but it famous I think. You should drive here and park nearby by walking distance 5 mins because it is hide on the kampung and only by walking to get there. 

Along the way you will see the neighborhood selling banana or some fruit they are kind also, some of the house you can park and pay the parking fee to them. 

Price wise its cheap and service is good, so fast and clean. Also the taste is good. My favorite one is papaya flower & fried egg. 

To whom addict with nature & sun here is your place. 

Instagram @warung_tuman_bsd  and gmap here

6. Tahu Na Po Tet 

It is a old tofu factory in Tangerang, not too hard to find it even it’s inside the komplek but the area is quite large and easy to park also price wise it’s cheap but bear in mind it only suitable for tea time snack there is no main course here. 

Suitable if you want to slow down and just chill chit chat with breezy windy place. Instagram and gmap here 

Hopefully you also can try the experience and share me the new found hidden gems in Jabodetabek area so I can try also and completing my bucket. Happy holiday! 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Apa prinsip biar tetep waras di dunia kerja?

Morning from my perfect recharge sunday morning haha. Pagi ini bangun2 udah jam 8 which is uda siang karena biasa bangun jam 6 yaudah mungkin alam bawah sadarku pun udah cape soalnya lately pulang malem berangkat pagi terus. Eh mau ke pasar malah gloomy dan ujan yaudah kita bikin breakfast aja dan sambil nulis <3 

Sibuk apa lately? Sibuk pekerjaan dan non-pekerjaan haha. Baru balik last week dari Bali dan bukan holiday tapi company outing jadi tetep aja cape tapi 收穫滿滿 — belakangan lumayan banyak insight tentang dunia karir, mungkin karena lagi banyak ketemu orang baru dan banyak project juga jadi dapet beberapa point yang worth-to-share here kalau kalian juga lagi mencari insight akan dunia karir maybe. 

Aku pernah bahas sebelumnya kalau buat anak muda sekarang itu dalam cari kerjaan salah satu yang di pentingin mental health makanya di socmed suka keluar postingan - postingan mental health di kantor. Tapi sebenernya menurutku ini gak anak muda aja ada yang udah mature or even senior juga begini, jadi menurutku ini matters of people

Nah kalo aku sendiri denger yang kayak gini cukup bingung secara kerja itu bukan kerja sosial yang mengutamakan kemanusiaan dan harus “baik - baik” ini adalah tempat dimana kamu menukar hasil kerja dengan salary jadi kalau kamu maunya dikasi empathy terus di mengerti ya mungkin tempat kamu bukan di kantor yang mengutamakan performance which is kamu lebih cocok di non-profit organization misalnya yang bekerja dengan hati mulia (which I adore people doing this also). 

Ada 1 kalimat 成功的人眼裡沒有人只有事which means orang yang sukses itu cuman focus sama business matters/thing/fact bukan sama manusia — kenapa? Karena mereka mau sukses mereka melakukan hal yang sesuai target sukses mereka bukan focus apakah ini nyaman buat si manusia or nggak. Gak ada paketan yang perfect udah sukses juga nyaman dan membahagiakan semua orang. 

Jadi menurutku kalo dibilang mental health, company or your colleagues gak ada satu pun yang harus bertanggung jawab sama mental health kalian, cuman ada 1 orang yang harus bertanggung jawab akan mental health kalian yaitu diri kalian sendiri. Kalian gak bisa membuat seisi dunia ngertiin kalian karena kalo gitu kalian juga harus ngertiin seisi dunia. 

Dari contoh case diatas realize gak sebenernya salah satu root cause-nya adalah kamu gak tau target tujuan kamu ber-karir tuh apa. Kerjaan high pressure ya high return, kerjaan low pressure ya low return. Kalo mau cari yang high return tapi pressure sedang ada gak? Ya gak ada beb kalo ada semua orang udah pilih itu dong win win hehe. 

Segala hal ketika kamu tau tujuan kamu tuh apa maka kamu akan ngerti proses-nya kenapa begitu dan kamu akan lebih focus sama tujuan bukan ngeluh mulu tapi kalo tujuan kamu aja gak tau ya wajar kamu ngeluh mulu karena kamu gak tau maunya apa cuman bisa menyalahkan sekeliling. 

Baru aja interview kandidat untuk posisi specialist. Kita lagi cari yang lebih senior dari officer tapi belum sampai SPV. Well datanglah si anak yang kalo dari CV lumayan cocok, pas interview aku tanya, target kamu dalam berkarir apa tujuan yang ingin kamu capai? Eh dia nanya balik kalau posisi xxx ini lebih tinggi atau posisi yyy lebih tinggi ya? Pokoknya mau yang lebih tinggi. 

Ya lord minus seminus - minus-nya. Gini ya, berarti kamu gak tau kamu maunya apa orang target-nya aja kamu gak tau cuman tau mau berkarir sampe tinggi selangit ya kayak anak kecil mau jadi apa? Presiden. 

Gini ya gak semua orang itu born as leader — aku juga suka statement ini yang baru aku agree tahun lalu. Jadi punya karir di posisi dimana kamu bisa do your best itu udah cukup buat bikin kamu shining jangan karena berasa posisi apa lebih keren kamu maksa disana. Ibarat aku tau aku gak cocok jadi sales yang manis depan pelanggan tapi aku liat kalo sales enak bisa entertain sama klien lalu aku maksa jadi sales, yang ada aku gak happy, performance gak keluar dan semua pihak dirugikan. 

Jadi again, kenalin diri kamu sendiri apa plus minus kamu, jujur sama diri sendiri, lihat diri sendiri dari sudut pandang lain kira - kira kamu kek apa itu sangat membantu kamu grow up & glow up dalam dunia karir. 

有原則的人很珍貴 Orang yang punya prinsip sangat precious. Kenapa? Gak semua orang punya prinsip karena punya prinsip itu gak mudah dan gak menyenangkan semua orang jadi harus teguh akan pendirian nah ini yang gak gampang. Thats why I adore for people who can stands for their own principles. 

Nah tapi kalo orang yang gak punya prinsip lebih baik berhati - hati dalam decision making or statement. Karena kamu gak tentu bisa tetep teguh di atas kaki kamu ketika badai datang. Seperti orang yang udah meludah di sumur yang dia minum airnya, tetep minum airnya eh pas ninggalin sumurnya dia ludah - ludahin tuh sumur eh malah balik lagi mencari air itu sumur aneh gak sih?

Mungkin diatas itu perumpamaan yang suka di pakai bapack - bapack kantoran (karena aku juga tau dari bapack kantorku wakakak) untuk mendeskripsikan orang yang udah teriak - teriak mau resign dan jelek - jelekin kantor eh tapi gak resign - resign. Atau orang yang pas resign jelek - jelekin kantor eh tapi malah balik lagi, yaudah jadi ambyar kan. 

Work by logic not by heart. Well ini sebenernya point yang related sama semua diatas sih. Kenapa? Gini ya balik lagi kerja itu bukan lagi volunteer atau melakukan hal baik tapi lagi berkarir which is kata kasar-nya lagi barter waktu, tenaga, otak dengan benefit jadi kalau kamu kebanyakan pakai hati yang ada kamu gak akan bisa bekerja secara profesional karena terlalu apa - apa masukin ke hati. 

Real case-nya ada employee yang dia punya skill yang bagus beneran profesional, tapi dia masuk di kantor yang gak tepat, kantor tersebut belum butuh skill dia yg pro ini tapi dia tetep berusaha maunya kerja sesuai skill pro dia bukan adjust ke situasi yang ada. Jadi dia berasa gak diterima. Nah ditambah baper lagi jadi sulit buat dia masuk ke circle para kolega-nya. Udah deh combo kan. 

Makanya ges kalo kerja pake hati kamu akan susah sendiri karena gak bakal dunia kerjaan semua orang cocok sama kamu jadi kalo dikit - dikit dimasukin ke hati kamu gak akan bisa kerja beneran pake logic karena mengedepankan perasaan dan berujung gak perform. 

Nemu artikel ini di Vogue Taiwan dan suka banget loveee

Sekian per-update-an kali ini nanti kita sharing lagi ya aku plan buat baca buku tentang career and adulthood uwaw udah masuk adult aja :* 

Gimana kalian ada pencerahan apa dari orang - orang disekitar dan daily life yuk sharing <3

Sunday, February 11, 2024

A 2000 SqKM National Park | Khao Yai, Thailand

It was a suddent trip that always in my list since I see the picture of Khao Yai National Park but since it is 141 km from Bangkok and the only option is by car to get there so I was think twice until I got the chance this time yeay! 

excited me on early morning to Khao Yai

The only way to get there is by car, whether you drive or join the trip but I suggest to join the trip. Why? First its quiet far even after you arrive the entrance gate it took 1 hour to go inside by driving until you get to your spot. Second there are many spot inside if you go by yourself you will waste the time to search how to get there also to go inside the jungle it quiet dangerous if you go by your own. So the best choice is to get the trip from Bangkok. 

Well from Bangkok you need to start early and arrive after around 2.5 to 3 hours. This time I have 3 point to visit in Khao Yai. 

So Khao Yai means big mountain, it cover more than 2,000 square kilometers of forest & grassland in central Thailand. Cross 4 province : Saraburi, Ratchasima, Pranchinburi, Nakhon Nayok it made this national park have several entrance gate from each province but it all goes to the same area. 

Since it so huge so you will explore by car, the car will drop you on the point (park) you want to explore and you go by yourself then after you finish we move to other point by car again. 

I went to 2 waterfall (they called Nam Tok in Thai) and 1 trekking jungle (the real jungle). 

Since you will use your feet alot, you should wear a very comfortable and non slippery outdoor footwear (i wear my keen its all good) and wear a comfortable outfit also dont forget your sunnies & sunblock and small petty cash. Oh I dont think its necessary to bring the camera since when you go to jungle you need to walk in a difficult land so bring as less as you can. Dont forget to bring water and dont litter inside park. 

First stop Haew Narok Nam Tok

It was easy step on the beginning then after that 200 step down and up. Well the stairs itself can make your feet like no feel haha. 

bit part of the stairs that made my feet feel nothing hehe

This beauty scenery you will found 360 degree inside Khao Yai — greenies, blue sky, and clear air

We have lunch on the canteen and its like Thai food, not expensive you can choose what you want plus you also can order some coffee or thai tea there. A deer acompany my lunch time haha. 

the canteen crowded but quiet comfortable

Next stop is a trekking one with the real jungle experience to Orchid Waterfall like we see elephant poop here and there and also the road not comfortable to walk by, you need to cross the fall down tree trunk. It was like 5 km if not wrong but it feels far because the road is not really a road to walk haha. 

yes we did it. we cross this “bridge”

Our guide take a pic of me taking pic haha

its a real hidden gem you will love it if you are a mountain person

Last stop is a Haew Suwat waterfall also and the easiest one of the day yet a very commercial one I think. It was well infrastructured for elder and kids only a stairs then you can see it. For me I dont really love this one so I only enjoy sitting in the calm corner there since the second point which is the trekking one got my heart already hard to beat haha. 

It was my first time to be in this level of jungle, okay chelsie you grow to another level, we can go to next jungle level haha.